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Broadcast National Conference Meeting Student Expectations, Contract or Partnership
14 Feb 2012
With keynote speakers Peter Vicary-Smith, Chief Executive, Which? and Anthony McClaran, Chief Executive, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. Set in the context of the Higher Education White Paper this important national conference brought together policy makers, student support professionals, student representatives and senior HE administrators with legal experts and data-mining professionals to consider the impact that the new financial situation will have on student behaviour and institutional response. As the implications of the new variable tuition fee regime come into place, universities must consider how student demand and hope will change. Differential fees presage a new era of heightened expectations across different institutions and courses. Students have high expectations and, with student complaints on the rise, even seemingly isolated cases have the potential to significantly detract from the institution's or the UK’s reputation for excellence in higher education. How can universities and colleges monitor and track student expectations and understand perceptions and reputation? How can colleges and universities identify issues and tackle them? How will managements expect academics and support services to raise their game – and how will that be measured? Consideration was also given to how new initiatives such as Student Charter and the Key Information Set will provide a platform for institutions to supply more transparent information about the courses on offer, and how they will relate to rising expectations. For further information contact Paul Rushworth on 020 7960 6845, or e-mail paul.rushworth@neilstewartassociates.co.uk
Aaron Porter, HE Consultant and Journalist
Welcome and introduction from conference Chair Session One: Setting the scene

Dr Andrew West, Director of Student Services, University of Sheffield; Chair, AMOSSHE - the Student Services Organisation
Ensuring student services deliver on student retention Session One: Setting the scene

Professor Julia King CBE FREng, Vice-Chancellor, Aston University; Member of Browne Review
Meeting student expectations in a new era Session One: Setting the scene

Nicola Bennison, Partner, Eversheds LLP
Delivering on promises - what is in your student contract? Session One: Setting the scene

Rob Behrens, Independent Adjudicator & Chief Executive, Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA)
The role of alternate dispute resolution in the era of higher student fees Session One: Setting the scene

Questions and discussion
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
Huw Morris, Academic Registrar, Swansea University; Chair, Appeals and Complaints Group, Academic Registrars Council
Institutional complaints and appeals procedures - a national approach Session Two: Transparent information and responding to students

William Archer, Chief Executive, i-graduate
Understanding what students want and need - UK and international Session Two: Transparent information and responding to students

Peter Vicary-Smith, Chief Executive, Which?
Stepping up to the challenge of providing information for prospective university students Session Two: Transparent information and responding to students

Rachel Winzer, Director of Research, 1994 Group
Making sense of information about higher education Session Two: Transparent information and responding to students

What's on now:
Questions and discussion
Buffet lunch, refreshments and networking
Dr Stephen Jackson, Director of Reviews, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Will the new quality framework help enchance the student experience? Session Three: Robust quality and student partnership

Prof Janice Kay, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Exeter and Chair, 1994 Student Experience Policy Group
Marketing the partnership: managing our relationship with students Session Three: Robust quality and student partnership

Liam Burns, President, National Union of Students (NUS)
Can students be partners in a market system? Session Three: Robust quality and student partnership

Questions and discussion
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
New solutions for information for prospective students
Johnny Rich, Managing Director, Push; Higher Education Consultant Session Four: Key issues seminars

Close of conference and end of broadcast
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