David Holmes

David has been Chief Executive of BAAF for the last six years. Before moving to local government as a Deputy Director of Children's Services, David directed the Child Protection, Adoption and Children’s Trusts divisions in the Department of Health and then the Looked After Children division in the Department for Education and Skills.
David project managed the development and implementation of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 and has worked intensively on a range of key national initiatives for children including Quality Protects, Every Child Matters and Care Matters.
David was a member of the Government's Working Group on the Future of the Care Population and the Expert Working Groups on Private Fostering and Adoption. He has also served as an Adviser to the LGA on Children's Services.
He is currently a member of the Government's Ministerial Advisory Group on Adoption, Adoption Implementation Working Group, Children in Care and Adoption Sounding Board and Evidence-Based Interventions Board.