Jane Lewis
Jane Lewis is an expert in behaviour change, both in organisations and communities. Her firm, Woodward Lewis, is working with the Home Office, the RSA and a number of local authorities on the development of community coaching, using the “positive deviance” (PD) framework. This has been used internationally to deal with difficult behavioural problems, providing solutions within existing resources. PD works by identifying and spreading successful existing, but hidden, coping strategies. It has delivered HIV/Aids reduction in sex workers, significant MRSA reductions in US and Canadian hospitals and solutions for teenage violence in Pittsburgh, as well as rehabilitating child soldiers in Africa. Jane has used the approach successfully to find between 5% and 30% more time for social workers, and to engage and mobilise teenage parents in reducing conceptions. She teaches this approach at Oxford University and HEC Paris, and has published a number of articles on its application.
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