Emma Sheridan
Emma Sheridan, Director of Sheridan Smith Consultants; Chair of Modeshift (The National Association for School Travel Professionals)
Emma has worked in the field of sustainable school travel for almost 10 years. In that time she has worked at Local Authority level, regional level as the Transport for London (TfL) STP Programme Manager and at national level both as a DFT/DCSF Regional Advisor and as the Chair of Modeshift. She has extensive experience in the development and delivery of School Travel Plans, Sustainable Modes of Travel Strategies and the various initiatives that promote sustainable, active, travel to school.
Whilst at TfL Emma managed the development, growth and implementation of the successful London School Travel Plan Programme, achieving a 6% decrease in school run car use. During her five years in this role, amongst other projects, she worked with the Walk to School Co-ordinator to develop and roll out the hugely successful Walk On Wednesday campaign, managed the development of a wide variety of curriculum materials, helped to develop the Open University Diploma in Travel Planning and the Loughborough University MSC in Sustainable Transport, on which she continues to be a guest lecturer, and oversaw the growth of the London wide School Travel Programme from £6m to £13.4m in just 4 years.
Emma has represented and advised the UK Department for Transport and Department for Children Schools and Families in her role as a Regional School Travel Adviser, initially for London and currently for the South East and South West, and currently sits on the UK National School Travel Expert Panel (STEP) in her capacity as the National Chair of Modeshift. In 2008 she gave evidence to the Transport Select Committee on School Travel.
In 2007 Emma left Transport for London to set up her own successful consultancy – Sheridan -Smith Consultants. Emma continues to work with Local Authorities across the country on SMOTS development and implementation, the development of curriculum materials to promote sustainable travel and providing strategic School Travel Advisor support. Through Modeshift she continues to provide a national voice for school travel professionals.