David Knowles-Leak

Representative, Thames Valley Berkshire LEP.
David started his working life as a marine engineering apprentice, and subsequently graduated from Nottingham University with a degree in Theoretical Mechanics. He spent his early career in sales and general management in industrial gas sector at Air Products, and then as European Sales Director of PPG Glass in the flat glass sector. He subsequently led a management buyout of a glass processing group and developed a worldwide glass sales agency.
He founded dkl Accelerating Performance which facilitates strategic thinking and delivers a portfolio of result centric leadership products including coaching and mentoring. He is a member of the Thames Valley Berkshire LEP and chairs the Employment and Skills group in the Berkshire Economic Strategy Board.
He is a powerful advocate of “The Small Business Agenda” and uses his role as Chairman of the Thames Valley Region of the Federation of Small Businesses to promote this agenda together with the attendant necessity for both, better skills provision, and for society putting a higher value on skills.