Jeanette Burrows

Development Manager- Staffordshire Consortium of Infrastructure Organisations, Staffordshire Third Sector Network.
Jeanette has worked within the voluntary and community sector for over 20 years starting as a co-ordinator for the West Midlands Charities Information Bureau then joining Birmingham Voluntary Service Council where her career expanded from small organisational development and volunteering to partnerships and representation.
Whilst at BVSC Jeanette was able to develop a project which built partnership working between the private and voluntary sector, working with HSBC, British Gas and Eversheds Solicitors amongst others.
Moving from Birmingham to Staffordshire Jeanette is now with Staffordshire Consortium of infrastructure organisations as a development manager for S3SN. This has led to her involvement in developing the relationship between the voluntary and community sector and Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Local Enterprise Partnership where the story continues.