Diana Whitmore
![Diana Whitmore](/thumb_pic/100/100/speaker_thumbs/DianaWhitmore.JPG)
Diana Whitmore, MAEd is Chief Executive and a founding Director of Children: Our Ultimate Investment (UK). She currently runs Teens & Toddlers for young people, a youth development and teenage pregnancy prevention and sexual health programme for early intervention. The programme aims to raise self esteem, aspiration and educational attainment and is focused on giving at risk young people the life skills, knowledge and self belief they need to keep them in school.
Diana is founder and President of the Psychosynthesis & Education Trust. For twenty years she was Chairperson of the Trust, Joint Chief Executive, Head of Professional Courses and a Senior Trainer and Supervisor in psychosynthesis. She has trained professionals throughout Europe, and consults on research and development of new projects in psychosynthesis. She is on the UKCP National Register of Psychotherapists and a BAC Accredited Supervisor.
She is the author of two books, Psychosynthesis in Education: A Guide to the Joy of Learning and Psychosynthesis Counselling in Action. She has been on the trustee board of the Findhorn Foundation since 1994.