Prof Hans de Wit

Hans de Wit is the co-editor of the ‘Journal of Studies in International Education’. He is also director of the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation (CHEI) of the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy.
He is a visiting professor at the CAPRI, the Centre for Academic Practice and Research in Internationalisation of Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.
He has co-written several other books and articles on international education and is actively involved in assessment and consultancy in international education, for organisations such as the European Commission, UNESCO, World Bank, IMHE/OECD, NVAO and ESMU. His latest book is Hans de Wit (2011), Trends, Issues and Challenges in Internationalisation of Higher Education, CAREM, Amsterdam.
Hans de Wit is founding member and former president of the European Association for International Education (EAIE). Currently he is, among other positions, Member of the Board of Trustees of World Education Services (New York), Member of the ESL TOEFL Board and Co-Chair of the Special Interest Group Research in International Education of EAIE.