Dr Carol Waters
![Dr Carol Waters](/thumb_pic/100/100/speaker_thumbs/Carol20Waters.jpg)
Carol Waters is Associate Professor, Political Science and Associate Vice-President, Academic Enrichment and International Endeavors at Texas A and M International University (TAMIU).
She is also Director, Bi-national Center at TAMIU. Prior to this, she was Dean and Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences. Dr Waters joined TAMIU as an Assistant Professor in 1995.
Dr Waters has overseen projects including ‘Non-Profit Excellence’ and ‘International Philanthropy’ funded, respectively, by the City of Laredo and the US State Department; She has managed Congressional Earmark allocation for the Texas National Guard, and in 2009 the Bi-National Center was recruited to develop materials related to Border Security. Dr Waters also oversaw a grant for $10,000 from Louisiana Board of Regents to support faculty development for Our Lady of the Lake College, Baton Rouge, LA.
Dr Carol Waters has authored or co-authored papers in several peer reviewed publications, including ‘Texas in the Federal System’ (2006).