Kieran Gordon

Kieran has 30 years' experience working with young people as a professionally trained Careers Adviser and in various management and leadership roles with Careers Service Companies, latterly as Chief Executive of Greater Merseyside Connexions (GMCP).
GMCP is the lead provider of careers and related information; advice and guidance services to young people and adults in the Greater Merseyside area and is prime contractor for the National Careers Service for the North West (excluding Greater Manchester).
Kieran has worked closely with government at national, regional and local levels to raise the standard and profile of careers and related support services aimed at increasing aspirations, attainment and progression for individuals as they move from school into, and through, working life.
As founder member of the Reachfor joint venture company established in 2011, Kieran is working collaboratively with a range of not-for-profit enterprises to develop creative responses to the careers guidance needs of young people and adults.
Recently, Kieran was appointed to the National Council for Careers with the brief to advise Ministers on implementation of policy on careers advice and guidance.
Kieran served on the Presidential team of the Institute of Careers Guidance (ICG) for three years and was President of the Institute of Career Guidance in 2007.