Professor David Green

Professor David Green is an economist who taught and researched for many years in University Business Schools in London and Leeds. He has published on international financial markets, the world debt crisis, European banking and other topics in financial economics as well as in regional economics and political economy.
Appointed Principal and Chief Executive of University College Worcester from January 2002, David led the then University College to secure full University title in 2005 and became its first Vice Chancellor.
During David’s first 7 years at Worcester, the University more than trebled its revenues and became the fastest growing UK University in terms of student applications and numbers.
Worcester enjoys a reputation as a well-managed, progressively led institution, highly engaged with its local community and region. 50% of the University’s students are part-time; 70% are mature entrants.
David serves as a member of Universities UK and Guild HE and the Strategic Board of the West Midlands Higher Education Association. He is a frequent commentator on higher educational matters in the press and broadcast media.