Michael Davis

Michael Davis HMI has worked as a full time inspector for Ofsted, the ALI and the FEFC. He is a mathematics graduate and previously worked as a teacher, trainer and manager for over 20 years in both FE and schools. His management roles included Vice Principal in one of the largest FE colleges in South East England.
His teaching experience covers a wide range of Mathematics and ICT courses from entry level to HE. He has been a full time inspector for over 12 years and different types of organisations inspected include: Colleges inclusive of sixth form, tertiary and general further education, Work Based Learning, Jobcentre plus, Learndirect, Adult and Community Learning, Army education overseas, and Area Wide inspections. Besides inspecting,
Mike has worked strategically with partner organisations, including government departments, to help resolve sector wide data harmonisation and quality issues. Currently he is Ofsted’s Principal Officer for further education and colleges and is responsible for advising on strategy, developing inspection frameworks and inspector training.