Alan Sherry

Alan Sherry has been Principal at John Wheatley College, located in East Glasgow, since May 2011. He was an original member of staff when the College was established in 1989, the only new FE college opened by the former Strathclyde Regional Council.
He first became an Assistant Principal in 1991 and has been involved in the development of both the College’s curriculum and Estate. Alan has been involved in a range of national widening participation initiatives over the years including SWAP West. Alan was the Chair of the West Access Forum which promoted widening access to Higher Education for under-represented groups until July 2011. He is Scotland’s Colleges’ representative on the Scottish Funding Council Access and Inclusion Committee. He represents Scotland’s Colleges on Buttle UK, an organisation for care leavers, and is a member of the SQA Inclusion Committee.
Prior to joining John Wheatley College he worked at Central College of Commerce in Glasgow. He has also worked at Motherwell College in a senior management role, as a consultant and with Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education as an Assistant Inspector. He was an Associate Assessor with HMIe for over 10 years.