Cath Hurst OBE

Cath Hurst has been Principal since 2008, promoted from Vice Principal after joining Wigan and Leigh College in 2002.
In the 2012 New Year’s Honours List she was awarded the OBE for services to further education.
She is passionate about the benefits of further education colleges, how they widen participation and help people develop their skills and maximise their employment opportunities.
The College has strong international links where overseas partners gain training on current teaching and learning methodologies as well as subject expertise. Wigan and Leigh College has over 1000 Higher Education students, the majority funded through a direct contract.
The College has developed strategic partnerships with the University of Central Lancashire, the University of Salford, Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Bolton. A new professional centre which will provide a focus for HE has been funded by the Skills Funding Agency. The College sponsors Wigan’s University Technical College with UCLan.