Katie Wright
![Katie Wright](/thumb_pic/100/100/speaker_thumbs/katiewright.jpg)
Katie is currently Business Development Director for Liberata. Katie started her policy career as a parliamentary researcher specialising in health, education and DWP. Following a number of roles supporting senior government and shadow government Ministers Katie moved onto the Parliamentary Resources Unit. Venturing out of Parliament, Katie held a number of communication and PR roles for fostering agencies and Quangos before settling into public sector publishing. Before joining Neil Stewart Associates as Editorial and Research Director in the summer of 2010, Katie was head of conferences and training for Care Matters Partnership specialising in children in and at the edge of care. Her responsibilities included leading the research, marketing and production teams with overall responsibility for a wide portfolio of events and training products.
Moving from the public policy publishing world; Katie is currently Business Development Director of Liberata, A supplier of services to local government. To accompany this; Katie is currently ambassador to a children’s charity called PACT, a member of the London Chamber of Commerce’s ‘Employment and Skills Forum’, and is undertaking a large amount of speaking engagements within the public sector field. Katie has a 1st Class Honours degree in sociology and social policy and a Masters in Social Policy and Planning from the London School of Economics. Taught by Prof Julian Le Grand, Eileen Munroe, Peter Townsend and many more.