Pippa Gough

Pippa Gough, RN, RM, HV, PGCEA, MSc, MA has a varied career as a clinician, manager and development consultant in both the public and voluntary sectors at local and national levels. She was Director of the RCN Policy Unit from 1998 to 2001 and thereafter worked as Senior Faculty at the King’s Fund in Leadership Development alongside leading a Policy Team exploring the health workforce, within Policy Directorate. She currently works as a freelance consultant, tailoring her working hours to provide care for her elderly and frail parents.
Pippa is experienced in designing, commissioning and delivering innovative leadership and organisational development programmes within the health service and other parts of the public sector. She has specialist delivery expertise in managing and facilitating large scale, whole systems events, and working with executive and senior teams to develop strategy and improve effectiveness against a backdrop of organisational upheaval and change. In particular, she has been involved in facilitating a number of NHS trust board development projects.
Pippa is a Trustee of the Alzheimer’s Society and Chair of their Trustee Advisory Group for Services, a non-executive of the Clinical Governance Committee, Medihome, and an Associate with the Centre for Innovation in Health Management, Leeds University. She is the author and editor of a number of books on nursing and policy and numerous articles and other publications on leadership, change, development and health workforce.