Robert Tapsfield

Robert is a qualified social worker. He worked in London specialising in work with children, young people and their families. He spent five years managing a team of specialist social workers with responsibility for children in long term care and those seeking adoption. He spent 12 years managing a range of children and families services for a local authority including family support services, child protection services, residential and day care facilities for children and their parents.
In 1999 Robert joined Family Rights Group, as chief executive. They are a national voluntary organisation promoting good practice and campaigning for improvements in the law policy and practice that affects families whose children are involved with child welfare services. Robert was very involved in their work promoting family decision making, the use of kinship care and the involvement of users in planning and developing services.
He moved to the Fostering Network as chief executive at the beginning of 2004. With over 55,000 foster carers, almost all local authorities who have a fostering service and over 170 independent fostering providers in membership, the Fostering Network is the UK’s leading charity for everyone with a personal or professional involvement in fostering.
Robert is also a trustee of Children England.