Kevin Hanner

Kevin has 20 years experience of working in services for the homeless and marginalised groups. He initially worked in a variety of posts in homeless day centres and hostels in Nottingham and Norwich before completing a qualification in social work.
Kevin subsequently worked as a Social Worker/AMHP in a busy central London Mental Health and Homelessness Team before becoming a Senior AMHP in a central London CMHT. He has maintained his passion for the third sector by seeking opportunities of working as a trustee within the field of problematic substance use and maintains a link with academic research by working as a guest lecturer at the UEA schools of medicine and Social Work.
Kevin is currently employed as Service Manager for Vulnerable Groups within NCH&C NHS Trust. These include City Reach Health Services, a GP led multi-disciplinary health service for marginalised groups in Norwich, The Matrix, a sex worker support service for Norfolk and the Norfolk TB service. He is also a member of Homelesslink’s National Advisory Council and continues to work as an AMHP for Norfolk County Council.