Professor Neil McKeganey

Neil McKeganey has undertaken research into the impact of illegal drug use on families, the prevalence of problem drug use, the effectiveness of drug treatment services, pre-teen drug use, drugs and prostitution and drug users HIV related risk behaviour.
In 2011 he led the opening of the Centre for Drug Misuse Research as an independent research centre with links to multiple universities within the UK. Current research underway within CDMR includes work on the impact of major drug seizures, the effectiveness of prison based drug treatment, the relative effectiveness of Suboxone and Methadone in the treatment of drug dependency, and the impact of drug and alcohol problems on physicians.
Neil McKeganey is the author of over 150 peer-reviewed papers on aspects of addiction and drug use. His most recent book “Controversies in Drugs Policy and Practice” was published by Macmillan Palgrave in 2011. In 2013 Macmillan will published his book A to Z of Substance Misuse. Neil McKeganey has acted as a consultant to the World Health Organisation, the the International Narcotics Control Board, and the US department of Justice.
He is a member of the International Task Force for Strategic Drug Policy and is on the editorial boards of AIDS Care, and Drugs Education Prevention and Policy. He is a past editorial board member of “Addiction” and “Drug and Alcohol Dependence”.