Detective Chief Inspector Andrew Carr

DCI Andrew Carr has been with Wiltshire Police for almost 9 years.
After two years he was moved to Neighbourhood Policing which started his journey of understanding of the partnership world and how with the right information sharing and problem solving issues could be resolved. He was then seconded to Operation QUEST, a Home Office funded scheme looking at ways of improving police efficiency, amongst other things that were implemented was an amended Custody Process, scheduled appointments and a Tasking and Briefing System, all in place today, and still realising the savings.
Next came a short spell as a Critical Incident Manager and following promotion to Chief Inspector Andrew was tasked with implementing the Wiltshire Police One BCU model for the Response and Neighbourhood Policing. This went live in October 2011, and is still in place today.
Andrew Carr is currently DCI for Public Protection within Wiltshire Police. Wiltshire Council had been graded as unsatisfactory just before he arrived, in terms of their Safeguarding of Children, so it has been a challenging 18 months, working with two separate local authorities, implementing various improvement plans, as well as considerable scrutiny. HMIC have just visited and they wait the formal report but overall the outcomes appear positive.
Simultaneously Wiltshire Police continue to work on the DVPN scheme to protect victims of Domestic Abuse, and the DVDS which again is part of the preventative work to reduce the risks to potential victims of Domestic Abuse. The borders between the Child Protection and the Domestic Abuse arena are becoming increasingly blurred and the next year to 18 months will be just as interesting and challenging.