Professor Ted Briscoe

Ted Briscoe has been a member of staff at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge since 1989, a Reader since 2000 and Professor since 2004. His broad research interests are in computational and theoretical linguistics and automated speech and language processing. He directed and taught on the MPhil in Computer Speech, Text and Internet Technology, taught jointly with the Engineering Department, now a theme within the MPhil in Advanced Computer Science run by the Computer Laboratory.
From 1990 until 1996 he was an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow undertaking research at Macquarie University in Sydney, University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, and Xerox European Research Centre in Grenoble, as well as at the Computer Laboratory.
His specific research interests include (nearly-)deterministic, statistical, and robust parsing techniques, acquiring lexical information from electronic textual corpora and dictionaries, aaplications of parsing to text classification and information extraction, models of human language learning and parsing, and evolutionary simulations of language variation and change.
He has published over 100 research articles, edited three books, and been Principal/Co-Investigator or Coordinator of fifteen EU and UK funded projects since 1985. He is joint editor of {it Computer Speech and Language}, and from October 2013 will be the inaugural director if the Alta Institute for research into automated language teaching and assessment in collaboration with Cambridge English Language Assessement. In 2004 he cofounded iLexIR Ltd to facilitate commercial exploitation of advances in natural language processing.