Margaret Carr

Margaret Carr has worked for the London Borough of Bromley since 2003 and is currently the Business Manager for the Employment and Skills Team, managing two multi-agency resource centres on housing estates in the borough with a footfall of over 10,000. The centres operate a “no wrong door” policy supporting any resident with any query who walks through the door.
Prior to moving to the south east she was the Community Investment Manager for English Partnerships North West, increasing the Agency’s spend on community and voluntary sector facilities from £30,000 - £2 million pounds in two years. She then moved on to be Head of Social Inclusion Policy at the North West Development Agency, working on areas including health, social enterprise, employment and skills, business, diversity, and crime and community safety.
Margaret has also worked freelance within the cultural industries, social housing and wider regeneration environment, after starting her working life as a stage manager in a number of theatres across the country.
Voluntary work includes Treasurer of Tate Liverpool Friends, pupil support at a local community primary school and Independent Vice Chair of Bromley’s Adoption Panel, plus the odd bout of guerrilla gardening for her local council in Kent.