Nick Jones

Nick graduated with a Joint Honours Degree in Creative Design and Education from Loughborough University of Technology. He went on to study for a Certificate in Technology at Birmingham and a Masters in Education at Warwick.
In 1993 he moved to Bristol as part of the leadership team responsible for setting up a brand new school, John Cabot City Technology College. Nick was appointed as Principal at John Cabot and oversaw its conversion to academy status in September 2007.
Nick is a career teacher who has taught in a High School, a Grammar School, a split site Comprehensive school in Warwickshire and a Sixth Form College in Birmingham.
In addition he was a Principal Examiner for one of the major examination boards and wrote several GCSE and A-level specifications. He is also an Honorary Visiting Fellow at the University of Bristol and a director of At-Bristol, one of the UK´s leading science and discovery centres, where exploration and education go hand in hand.
Nick has always enjoyed the challenge of creating successful teaching and learning experiences, and has developed a particular interest and expertise in the role of new technologies to support all aspects of learning, teaching and the management of schools. He has been invited to speak at many events in the UK and throughout Europe. External work has also included consultancy for the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust and a number of Academies and Local Authority schools.
When not in his own school, Nick is a governor at a Special School and has been active in a number of Autism charities. He is a ‘hands-on´ craftsman and engineer who enjoys making ‘one-off´ pieces of furniture. Nick is married with three sons aged 17, 20 and 23.