Professor Lucas Introna

Professor Lucas D Introna is Associate Dean for Research at Lancaster University Management School. He prepared the REF2014 submission of the School, and was involved in the School’s RAE2008 submission. Lancaster’s REF2014 submission was the biggest in the UOA with 122 members of staff submitted.
Lancaster scored 100% 4* for its research environment, and was first in the UK with regard to research power. Lancaster is also in the top three management schools with regard to research funding. Lucas is Professor of Technology, Organisation and Ethics at the Centre for the Study of Technology and Organisation, Lancaster University.
His primary research interest is the social study of technology and ethics. More specifically, theorising sociomaterial entanglements—especially with regard to the ethics and politics implicated in such entanglements. He also has a secondary interest in the development of management practice. For more information: