Anthony McClaran

Chief Executive, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Anthony has been Chief Executive of QAA since October 2009, and was previously Chief Executive at UCAS.
A graduate in English and American Literature from the University of Kent, his career has included senior academic administration posts at the Universities of Warwick and Hull.
Anthony has held numerous governance positions across the sector. He is also actively involved in the local community and was recently appointed Chair of the new All Saints Academy in Cheltenham. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute and a Freeman of the Company of Educators.
Anthony sat on the Council of the University of Gloucestershire from 1997 until 2005 and in September 2007 was appointed Chair of Council, a post he relinquished on taking up his QAA role. He served on Professor Schwartz’s Admissions to HE Steering Group, the HE Group for the Tomlinson Review of 14-19 Qualifications, the SHA Commission on Post-qualification Application (PQA) and Sir Alan Wilson’s Consultation Group on Improving the HE Applications Process.
He is a director of the Inspiring Futures Foundation, and a governor of the John Lyon School. Anthony also chairs Gloucestershire First’s Employment and Skills Advisory Panel. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and the Chartered Management Institute, a Freeman of the Company of Educators and a member of the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire.