Graham Hoyle OBE

Following an early career working for the Employment Service for over 20 years, (9 years as a full-time trainer), Graham transferred in 1986 to the Training Agency firstly as Area Manager for Devon and Cornwall, then for Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.
Throughout the ‘90s he was Chief Executive of the Gloucestershire TEC, into which he merged the Gloucestershire Enterprise Agency and Business Link (Gloucestershire) to form The Link Group. He also was creator of the Gloucestershire Development Agency and the 5 County West of England Development Agency, the fore runner of the SW RDA.
Also at this time he was Chair of the TEC National Council’s Education and Training Committee, which amongst much else was responsible for the creation of Modern Apprenticeships and what was to become the Adult Learning Inspectorate. He was also a founder of the Guidance Council.
Since 2002 Graham has been Chief Executive of the Association of Learning Providers, representing 500 members, primarily involved with Work Based Learning. In this capacity he is a member of the Skills Delivery Partners, and a whole range of National Steering Groups (eg Train to Gain). Recently he has been taking a close interest in the plans to move to self regulation and is on the Implementation Group set up by Sir George Sweeney, which reported to the DfES Secretary of State in March 2007. He is regularly called on to give evidence at Parliamentary Select Committees.
Graham’s contribution to skills sector was recognised when he was awarded an OBE for services to training in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in June 2008.