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Higher Education in FE
17 Feb 2011
FE-HE Collaboration: Drivers of Change. Held at the Conference Suite, Eversheds LLP Headquarters, London with a satellite centre at Eversheds offices in Manchester.

This conference addressed the way forward in FE and HE Education, the various partnerships and collaborations possible and the challenges of loss of funding.

John O’Leary, Editor, the Times Good University Guide
Welcome and introduction by conference chair

What's on now:
Prof Christine King CBE, Vice-Chancellor, Staffordshire University
Opening address

John Widdowson, Chair, Mixed Economy Group (MEG); Principal and Chief Executive, New College Durham
The new funding landscape; new partnerships and collaborations

Dr Ian Tunbridge OBE, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Thames Valley University; Executive, Association for Collaborative Provision of HE (ACP)
From Leitch to Browne, HE in FE at a turning point

Questions, comments and discussion: Session 1
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
Steve Kendall, Associate Dean of Partnerships, University of Bedfordshire
The widening participation agenda – partnerships and collaborations

Andy Westwood, Chief Executive, GuildHE
Success in FE-HE collaboration – synergy, progression, the best for both

Glynne Stanfield, Partner, Eversheds
Effective models for HE FE collaboration

Questions, comments, discussion: Session 2
Buffet lunch, networking and exhibition
Evan Dickerson, HE and HE in FE Adviser, JISC Regional Support Centre London
Keynote address: The way forward for HE provision at FE Colleges

Panel discussion
Panellists discussed the future of higher education at further education colleges as well as maintaining sustainable and committed collaborations between FE colleges and HEI’s. They addressed the access, social mobility and progression agenda, and the apprenticeships, employees and vocational route. Susan Hayday, Director of Workplace Learning Strategy, Foundation Degree Forward; Professor John Storan, Director of Continuum, University of East London; Action on Access; Dan Shaffer, Senior Project Officer, Supporting Professionalism in Admissions (SPA).

Questions, comments and discussion: Session 3
Refreshments, networking and exhibition
Seminar A1: Models for future FE in HE Collaboration
David Jenkins, Director of Partnerships, Staffordshire University; Chair, Association for Collaborative Provision of HE (ACP)

Seminar A2: Quality in qualifications in FE
Dr Stephen Jackson, Director of Reviews, Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)

Seminar A3: Support for Colleges: teaching, learning and scholarly activities
Steve Rose, Education Subject Centre, Higher Education Academy (HEA)

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@A.N. Academic: Professor Christine King. Staffordshire University have closed the Beaconside Stafford site. THEY are not 'getting more students'. The problem is that people are being given honorary titles who have little eviidenced abilities in the field. You for example.