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Understanding Mutual and Social Enterprise Organisations
06 Jan 2011

NEW: Host your own training seminar

Public sector organisations in the UK must look at the option of using Mutual Organisation and Social Enterprise models as part of public service reform in this age of austerity.

This training package provides presentations on this subject from three leading speakers as well as back up documents and research to brief yourself and your wider organisation on this crucial topic.

This training resource has been designed specifically for you to be able to host your own briefing seminar with management, staff or policy makers on the future of social enterprise.

Designed for you to use in your own half day training seminar

Leading presentations to stimulate discussion

Authoritative and authentic content from people leading change.

Links to the leading websites and information centres 

Key government policy documents

For enquiries please contact [email protected] or call 020 7860 6845

Introductions and housekeeping
Distribution of training documentation

Group discussion
What is Social Enterprise?

VIDEO PRESENTATION Rt Hon Francis Maude MP – the philosophy behind change
The cabinet office minister leading public sector reform. He sets out the overall “loose, tight” approach to reform and why the government thinks it is essential that staff take “ownership” of their organisations and their future. Every policy maker and senior manager should watch this speech to understand the rationale behind change.

Group discussion
Understanding the rationale behind change

What's on now:
VIDEO PRESENTATION: Claire Phillips, Acting Chief Executive, Local Partnerships - Which way to go, understanding the options
Faced with an authority who wants to do something different. Claire takes people through options and choices: • The enterprise development journey, risks, challenges and enabling mechanisms • Getting started, option appraisal, mapping the journey

Group discussion
Mapping your route, bringing your colleagues on-board

11:45-12.15 VIDEO PRESENTATION: Andrew Burnell, Chief Executive, City Health Care Partnership CIC
Adding value through the CHCP Community Interest Company. Andrew gives a fantastic description of how the City Health Care Partnership CIC in Hull did it with lessons for everyone thinking about making the change.

Group discussion
How can we lead this kind of change?

Q&A and Close

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