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Safeguarding Vulnerable Children and Adults: Risk and Vulnerability #safeguarding2014
19 May 2014

Monday 19th - Tuesday 20th May

A two day live broadcast from High Wycombe

A decade of scandals, enquiries and reports into abuse and neglect have suggested system blindness and the need for further scrutiny. Changes to practice, new legislation and greater public awareness present new challenges. An intense two day symposium for leaders & practitioners from across the UK and internationally to compare and learn from professional practice to protect and reduce the risk to the vulnerable, whether children or adults. A symposium for professional leaders that will create an online catalogue of professional and special presentations that delegates can share with colleagues and take back to their workplace.


Day 1 - 19 May 2014

Jason Schaub, Senior Lecturer (Social Work) and Course Leader, MSc, Child Protection and Adult Safeguarding, Faculty of Society and Health, Bucks New University

Professor Ruth Farwell, Vice-Chancellor, Bucks New University

Professor Viv Bennett, Director of Nursing, Department of Health and Public Health England (PHE)
Keynote address: Population to practice: key issues for safeguarding

Panel debate
Dr Crystal Oldman, Chief Executive, QNI;
Shaun Kelly, Head of Safeguarding, Action for Children;
Carlene Firmin MBE, Head of the MsUnderstood Partnership and Research Fellow, University of Bedfordshire.

John H.V.Gilbert, Principal & Professor Emeritus, College of Health Disciplines, University of British Columbia
Keynote address: Coordinate, Cooperate, Collaborate: Challenges for working together across boundaries

Panel debate
Jo Ferris, South East Region FE and HE Coordinator, Prevent;
Stephan Brusch, Professional Safeguarding Adult Advisor, NHS England (London Region);
Robin Watts, International Child Protection Policy Advisor, Former Child Protection Police Officer (Met Police), Independent Child Protection Trainer.

1. Child stream 1 A regional audit to explore the child sexual exploitation knowledge and training needs of health care staff
Dr Nick Pike and Sarah Howcutt,, all Oxford Brookes University;
Dr Catherine Powell, Safeguarding Children Consultant, Visiting Senior Lecturer, University of Southampton.

2. Child stream 2
Whose risk? The mobile phone, risk and looked after children;
Jenny Simpson, Staff Tutor, The Open University;
Safeguarding Young People in Cyberspace -21st Century Challenge;
Robin Watts, International Child Protection Policy Advisor, Former Child Protection Police Officer (Met Police), Independent Child Protection Trainer.

3. Adult stream 1
Playing Safe;
Jacqueline McGranagahan, Learning and Development Officer, and Sarah Carlile,, Safeguarding Adults Partnership Manager, both Kirklees Council;
Older people’s involvement in Adult Safeguarding;
Sarah Finlay, Postgraduate Researcher, Northumbria University;
Safeguarding Adults at risk and self-neglect; Maria Brent and Stefan Brown, Teaching Fellow, Royal Holloway, University of London.

4. Professional Stream 1 Health and Midwives
Domestic Abuse and Pregnant Women; Gerry Linke, Named Nurse Child Protection, Bucks Healthcare NHS Trust; Supporting student nurses and midwives to raise concerns about practice;
Kim Bezzant, Lecturer Adult Nursing, University of Southampton.

5. Professional Stream 2 Social Work
Social worker experiences of fatal child abuse (an IPA);
Lee Pollard, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Sheffield Hallam University;
Meet Rosie, Zak, Lottie & Rita: New characters promoting safeguarding and empowerment across the life course;
Dr Jane Reeves, Centre Co-Director and Head of Studies and Dr Tom Garner, Project Management & Researcher, Centre for Child Protection University of Kent;
Proportionate responses and the role of the precautionary principle in child and adult protection;
Dr Louise Terry, Reader in Law and Ethics, South Bank University.

5A. Professional Stream 2A
Chair – Deborah Mazhindu;
Safeguarding training : Meeting the needs of a large NHS organisation;
Jane Fleming, Safeguarding Educator (Children & Adults), Paediatric Safeguarding Team, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital;
The concept ‘use of self’ and the importance of openness and emotional availability in relationship based practice;
Professor Pamela Trevithick, Visiting Professor, Bucks New University;
Preventing Pressure Ulcers – A Community Education Provider Network Approach;
Lynne Hudgell, Senior Lecturer in Tissue Viability, Bucks New University;
Professor Susan Procter, Professor of Clinical Nursing Innovation, Bucks New University and Imperial College Healthcare Trust.

1. Child stream 1 The professional course – criminal justice and legal
Jo Ferris, South East Region FE and HE Coordinator Prevent; and Detective Inspector Dick Meadows South East Region Channel Manager, Prevent. 

Gary FitzGerald, Chief Executive, Action on Elder Abuse
Keynote address

Panel debate
Jason Schaub, Senior Lecturer (Social Work) and Course Leader, MSc Child Protection and Adult Safeguarding, Faculty of Society and Health, Bucks New University;
Beth Britton, Freelance Campaigner and Consultant, Writer and Blogger.

End of broadcast - Day One

Day 2 - 20 May 2014

Professor Susan Procter, Professor of Clinical Nursing Innovation, Bucks New University and Imperial College Healthcare Trust

Dame Christine Beasley DBE, Former Chief Nursing Officer for England
Professor David Sines CBE PhD, Latterly Pro Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean, Faculty of Society and Health, Bucks New University
Keynote address: Lessons Learned from Systematic Failures in Safeguarding Adults with Learning Disabilities in the Longer Stay Sector;

What's on now:
Panel debate
John H.V.Gilbert, C.M., Ph.D., FCAHS Principal & Professor Emeritus, College of Health Disciplines, University of British Columbia.

Donald Findlater, Director of Research and Development, Lucy Faithfull Foundation
Key note address: Eradicating Child Sexual Abuse – Tools to Help

Panel debate
Julie Kerry, Assistant Director of Nursing, Patient Experience, and South of England Mental Health Homicide Lead, Thames Valley Area Team, NHS England;
Sarah Poolman, DCI Protecting Vulnerable People – Buckinghamshire, Thames Valley Police.

Assistant Chief Constable John Campbell, Thames Valley Police
Keynote address: Safe environments, safe culture

Panel discussion: The professional dilemma
Nicky Brownjohn, Associate Director for Safeguarding CWHHE Clinical Commissioning Group Collaborative (Central London/West London/Hammersmith and Fulham/ Hounslow/ Ealing);
Stuart Gallagher, Lecturer in Early Childhood, University of Worcester.

6 and 7. Child stream 3
Chaired by:Dr Tom Garner, Project Management & Researcher, Centre for Child Protection, University of Kent;
Early years and Safeguarding - safeguarding Early, Implications for safeguarding in universal praxis;
Emma Maynard, Senior Lecturer in Education; Helga Stittrich-Lyons, Course Leader Early Years;
The impact of parental substance misuse – Early Years perspective;
Sarah Bromfield, Community lead and MSc student, Tower Hamlets Children’s Centre;
An exploration in to the expansion in the role of the health visitor in safeguarding children;
Janine Ellul, Safeguarding Children Advisor.

8. Child stream 5
Chaired by:Sarah Finlay, Postgraduate Researcher, Northumbria University;
The use of Makaton and symbols for safeguarding;
Dr Helen Heyhoe, Training Services Manager, The Makaton Charity;
Supporting Vulnerable Children Through Play Therapy – Understanding the magic of open ended play materials as a tool for developing children’s emotional resilience;
Sue Gascoyne, author, trainer, early years researcher and founder of Play to Z Ltd;
Thinking Family and IT challenges in Adult Mental Health;
Lorraine Hall, Social Worker, Adult Mental Health Community Services and ,Hazel Gunning, Registered Mental Health Nurse, Adult Mental Health, both Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust.

9. Adult stream 2
Is it abuse or poor practice? How making this distinction impacts on risk and vulnerability for people with learning difficulties;
Dr Anne Patterson, Research Fellow, School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham;

10. Adult Stream 3
Addressing safeguarding issues through procedural simulated clinical skills training in nursing homes;
Kay Ford, Strategic Clinical Skills Advisor, Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber;
Developing safeguarding policy and practice for vulnerable adults in faith based contexts;
Dr Lisa Oakley, Programme & Subject Leader Abuse Studies, Manchester Metropolitan University.

11. Professional stream 3
Child protection information sharing;
Tom Burnett, Child Health Programme Manager, Health and Social Care information Centre;
Development of innovative teaching and learning resources to support the development of across discipline safeguarding curricula;
Elisabeth O’Brien, Lecturer, School of Health Sciences Safeguarding Group, University of Nottingham. me Manager, Health and Social Care information Centre

9. Adult stream 2
Hearing Impairment; a hidden risk; messages and strategies for effective professional practice;
Melanie Parris, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Bucks New University.

End of broadcast - Day Two
Policy Review TV

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