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Innovate UK 2014 - The global spotlight on UK innovation #innovateuk14
05 Nov 2014

Don’t miss out on 180 world-leading speakers including:

  • Innocent Drinks founder Richard Reed,
  • Secretary of State for BIS Vince Cable 
  • Economics of Innovation Professor Mariana Mazzucato

You’ll be challenged to think about your business in a radically new light. Watch all the key sessions by selecting the agenda tab.

PDFs of the presentations delivered in other rooms at the event are available on the following links:



Day 1 - 05 Nov 2014

Iain Gray, CEO, Innovate UK
Welcome to Innovate UK 2014

Phil Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Cisco UK & Ireland; Chairman Innovate UK
From leading edge to competitive edge

The Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, Minister of State for Universities, Science and Cities
Investing in Innovation : International to Local

Dominic Jermey and Iain Gray
Dominic Jermey, Chief Executive, UK Trade and Investment;
Iain Gray, CEO, Innovate UK.

UK Stars shine: How my business made its first million going across borders
Chair: Andy Hopper, Professor of Computer Technology, Head of Department, The Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge;
Ewan Phillips, Chief Executive Officer, Deltex Medical;
Danny Lopez, British Consul General, New York and Director General for UK Trade & Investment;
Jessica Butcher, CEO and Co-Founder, Blippar;
Professor Timothy Dafforn.

Why I chose the UK to internationalise my business
Chair: Philip Salter, Director, The Entrepreneurs Network;
Dmitry Aksenov, Chief Executive Officer, FinGenius;
Tim Brown, Founder, Three over Seven;
Greg Fitzgerald, Carbon Analytics;
Henrique Olifiers, Co-founder, Bossa Studio.

The Rt Hon Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and President of the Board of Trade
Keynote: The innovation nation open for business

Panel: Bringing sustainability into the heart of your business
Chair: Richard Miller, Head of Sustainability, Innovate UK;
Mike Barry, Director of Sustainable Business (Plan A), Marks & Spencer;
Dax Lovegrove, Director of Sustainability, Kingfisher PLC;
Cyndi Rhoades, Closed Loop Executive Officer, Worn Again;
Mike Pitts, Lead Specialist, Sustainability, Innovate UK;
Jennifer Clark, Director of Environment, Skanska.

Panel: De-mystifying design - design for successful innovation
Chair: Mat Hunter, Chief Design Officer, Design Council;
Clive Grinyer, Customer Experience Director, Barclays;
Billy Boyle, Co-founder, Owlstone;
Rich Gilbert, Director, Agency of Design;
Alan Colman, Sales Operations Director, Plessey.

Dr Hermann Hauser, Co-founder, Amadeus Capital Partners
Keynote Address: Catapults: transforming the future of UK Capability

Panel: The cluster effect
Chair: Will Hutton, Chair, Big Innovation Centre;
John Womersley, Chief Executive Officer, Science and Technology Facilities Council;
Simon Andrews, Executive Director, Fraunhofer UK Research Ltd;
Professor John McCanny, Director of ECIT, Queen's University Belfast;
Naomi Krieger Carmy, Director, UK Israel Tech Hub.

What's on now:
Ed Vaizey MP, Minister of State for Culture and the Digital Economy
Keynote: Digital cities and smart infrastructure

Day 2 - 06 Nov 2014

Welcome to Innovate UK
Global opportunities for UK innovators

Collaborating for global success
Chair: Mark Miodownik, Engineer, Broadcaster and Writer;
Simon Bradley, Vice President, Head of Global Innovation Network Systems, Products Architecture & Engineering, Airbus Group;
Professor Wendy Purcell, Plymouth University;
Angela Strank, Chief Scientific Officer, BP Group;
Will Whitehorn, Chairman, Transport Systems Catapult;
Michael Ruggier, Gamechanger, Shell International.

Panel: Developments in UK, european and global venture capital
Chair: Gerald Brady, Managing Director (UK), Silicon Valley Bank;
Stuart Chapman, Managing Partner, (DFJ Esprit);
Simon Clark, Partner, Fidelity Growth Partners Europe;Miles Kirby, Managing Director Europe, Qualcomm Ventures.

Richard Reed, Founder, Innocent Drinks

European opportunities on the horizon
Chair: Chris Warkup, CEO, KTN;
Nick Wainwright, Director of Open Innovation, HP Labs;
Rich Walker, Managing Director, Shadow Robot;
Keith Sequeira, Deputy Head of Unit, European Commission.

George Freeman, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Life Sciences

Mariana Mazzucato, R.M. Phillips Professor in the Economics of Innovation SPRU, University of Sussex
Keynote: Innovation Led Growth – a new framework for creating and shaping markets

Modelling a future world city
Chair: Zoe Cunningham, Managing Director, Softwire;
Mischa Dohler, Professor, King's College London; and Co-founder, Worldsensing;
Peter Madden, Chief Executive Officer, Future Cities Catapult;
Paul Zanelli, Chief Technical Officer, Transport Systems Catapult;
Stephen Hilton, Programme Leader at Connecting Bristol;
Laurence Kemball-Cook, Founder and CEO, Pavegen.

Peer to Peer Awards
Simon Devonshire

High tech meets high fashion show
Lauren Bowker@ The Unseen;
Matthew Drinkwater & London College Fashion;
Francesca Rosella @ Cute Circuit;
Ryan Genz, Cute Circuit;
Emily Memarzia.

Closing Remarks by Chair
Policy Review TV

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@eetgerink: Mariana Mazzucato: this is difficult both for government and business, but so much to the point.
@Frank Eetgerink: Fireworks! Fresh thinking, not boxed by modern traditional thinking.
@Janet Mitchell - MCSQUARED: Fantastic insight into how Richard Reed and the Innocent Drinks team started and ran their business! Very inspiring!
@Gynna Brightside: Great agenda and great streaming!
@Surj: which is all great re:catapault and lovely comment on Scotland but conveniently overlooking Wales??
@Faris Mubarek of Securedtech: The opening speach from Iain and Phil Smith were highly inspirational and gave details of innovate UK input into advancing technology and what it's used for.
@Kerry Frost: What is Innovate UK and the rest doing to prevent intellectual property escaping from the UK's creative businesses?
@Linda Forbes: Not only should we be seeking to attract young people to innovate but encourage older people with transferable skills and ideas to become involved. Moving from one sector to another can be difficult and may require re-training but much talent is wasted in writing people off on age-only basis.
@Martin Atkinson @VBS_Ltd: Great facility for those unable to attend in person - thanks!
@Tony Jackson: Looking to watch some of these keynotes - a great agenda