Inclusion's annual Welfare to Work UK Convention and Exhibition is the premier event for employment and skills. This year’s Convention offers up a fantastic programme with a particular focus on disability employment and localism, as well as employment and skills.
With these filmed sessions discover how the sector’s leading organisations are responding to changes in the welfare system. If you were not able to join us for the Convention these videos provide a useful resource in keeping you up to date on commissioning and delivery, with the intention that they will sharpen your plans in forging the way ahead and provide added value to you and your organisation.
Each video is £5 + VAT per session or £60 +VAT for the whole event.
Day 1 - 09 Jul 2013
Day 2 - 10 Jul 2013
We filmed and recorded this event so you can watch any of the presentations and download the podcasts and all the documentation presented on the day.
Our policy archive is ideal as a personal briefing tool for senior management as well as a training aid for keeping staff up-to-date.
The event archive costs just £60.00 + VAT.
Click here to purchase this event