4th Annual Conference. Held at the Emirates Stadium, London
This conference brought together local authority leaders and leisure officers, representatives from NGBs and other key organisations with a stake in youth sports provision to discuss how the goals of the government's PESSYP strategy and those of local area agreements can be achieved through sport.
What's on now:
Nigel Lynn, Chair, Chief Cultural and Leisure Officers Association
Panellists will include:
Iain Varah, Chief Culture, Sport and Community Learning Officer, LB of Redbridge
Keith Mair, Chief Executive, England Basketball
Tim Lamb, Chief Executive, CCPR
Cllr Michael McCann and Gerry CampbellSeizing opportunities presented by hosting an international sports event
Cllr Michael McCann, Deputy Leader, South Lanarkshire Council, and Joint Chair of ICG Lanarkshire 2011
Gerry Campbell, General Manager, South Lanarkshire Leisure