FE and Skills Inspection: Achieving 'Outstanding' #feis2012
18 Sep 2012
Broadcast from London
Are you ready for the new Common Inspection Framework?
The 2012 revised Common Inspection Framework for Further Education and Skills planned to bring a number of critical changes to the inspection process.
The biggest single change likely to affect you is the notice period for inspections. This will be reduced from 3 weeks to a maximum of 2 days. Given inspections on more or less ‘surprise’ basis, how do you best prepare staff and students?
Also, under the new framework, providers will not be rated ‘outstanding’ without outstanding teaching, learning and assessment. Meanwhile, the 'satisfactory' rating will be replaced with 'requires improvement’, and providers will be re-inspected within 12 to 18 months.
Watch this conference and you will be able to benchmark your provision against leading colleges. You’ll also be able to question Ofsted representatives, so you get a true understanding of the new inspection framework. Plus, you’ll share experiences with the colleges involved in the CIF pilot project.