The learning and skills landscape is experiencing a period of intense and rapid change. The Leitch Review of Skills, the Further Education and Training Bill, and recent DfES green paper ‘Raising Expectations’, set out new challenges for the sector, signalling a major move towards a demand-led system and setting out the aim that all young people will remain in some form of education or training until they're 18. The development of 14-19 diplomas, a more employer focussed approach to the design and delivery of courses, and the growth in apprenticeship and foundation degrees will require senior education managers to develop new strategies to meet these new demands – potentially turbulent times are ahead with significant challenges with all education leaders must address. Bringing together senior FE college managers, sector skills councils, work-based learning providers, learning and skills councils, employers and other key stakeholders, this important national event will examine the strategic management challenges facing the learning and skills sector, explore current policy developments and set out how to embed excellence, engage business and improve leadership, quality, and standards.
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