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Maternity Services in a Changing World
16 Nov 2010
The Royal College of Midwives annual conference. To be held at Manchester Central

This is the premier event for those working in midwifery and with mothers and babies.


Day 1 - 16 Nov 2010

Jenni Murray, Broadcaster, Woman’s Hour, Radio 4
Chair’s opening remarks

Liz Stephens, President, The Royal College of Midwives

Professor Cathy Warwick CBE, General Secretary, The Royal College of Midwives
Opening address: The challenges facing midwifery today

What's on now:
Keynote address: Optimising birth
Professor Holly Powell Kennedy, Helen Varney Professor of Midwifery, Yale School of Nursing, USA

Questions and discussion: Session 1
Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Masterclass: The future NHS - Midwifery 2020
Chair: Gillian Smith, Director of the UK Board for Scotland, The Royal College of Midwives David Foster, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer for England, Department of Health Polly Ferguson, Nursing Officer for Women’s Reproductive Health, Office of the Chief Nurse, Welsh Assembly Government Ann, Holmes, Consultant Midwife, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Women and Children's Directorate Denise Boulter, Midwifery Officer, DHSSPS

Safety versus innovation
Chair: Kath Jones MBE, RCM Council Member Co-constructed hand-held maternity records: innovative and safe? Tracey Humphrey, Research Fellow, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Aberdeen The risky business of supervision Julie Richards, Head of Midwifery and Sexual Health, Powys Local Health Board

Social determinants of health
Chair: Professor Rona McCandlish, Midwifery Advisor, Department of Health What determines the life chances of a child? Jenni Viitanen, Research Fellow, Institute of Public Policy Research Obesity in pregnancy: should we tackle it head on or turn a blind eye? Zeni koutsi, Maternal Medicine/Research Midwife, Pregnant women and smoking: improving health and achieving government targets Lorraine Frith, Specialist Stop Smoking Midwife, East Cheshire NHS Trust

Supporting women and families
The good midwife and the value of a maternal approach to care Sarah Church, Senior Lecturer – Midwifery, School of Health, University of Northampton Exploring the older mother from different perspectives: the voices of women (an exploratory study of women’s experiences of delayed childbearing) Alison Cooke, Research Midwife, The University of Manchester and Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust Parent support in an online environment – a new way of delivering support services Sally Russell, Director, netmums.com Young hearts and minds: family nurse partnership in England Dr Julia Sanders, Consultant Midwife, South East Wales Trials Unit

Normal birth
What is operational research and what’s it got to do with health? Dr Christina Pagel, Senior Research Fellow, Clinical Operational Research Unit, University College London Birthing at home in Glasgow Sheona Brown, Consultant Midwife, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Starting the journey: formulating a research proposal for the purpose of a PhD Lesley Kay, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery, Anglia Ruskin University Availability, access and outcomes of external cephalic version (ECV) for women with breech presentation at term in UK maternity units Mary Sheridan, NIHR Clinical Research Training Fellow, Kings College London

Masterclass: RCM’s Strategic Leadership Programme - Where’s my ambition? I’m sure I left it
Chair: Clare Cutlan, RCM Council Member Gail Johnson, Education & Professional Development Advisor, The Royal College of Midwives Phil Dale, Managing Director, Phi Learning

Buffet lunch, exhibition and networking
Welcome back from conference chair
Jenni Murray OBE, Broadcaster, Woman’s Hour, Radio 4

Mary Ross Davie, Normal Birth PhD Student, University of Stirling
Emerging themes

Professor James Walker, Chairman, Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries
Providing optimal care: enabling safety, quality and choice

Professor Hannah Dahlen, Associate Professor of Midwifery, University of Western Sydney, Australia; Vice President, Australian College of Midwives
Perspectives on risk

Panel discussion and open to floor
Ann Holmes, Consultant Midwife, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Women and Children’s Directorate Joined by afternoon speakers

Refreshments, exhibition and networking
RCM Big Debate
Who do we really work for? New challenges for midwives Chair: Jenni Murray, Broadcaster, Woman’s Hour, Radio 4 Speakers: Annie Francis, Board Member, Independent Midwives UK Belinda Phipps, Chief Executive, National Childbirth Trust Lynne Pacanowski, Director of Midwifery and Head of Gynaecology Nursing, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Professor Paul Corrigan CBE, Senior Associate, The King’s Fund Lillian Bondo RM, President, Danish Association of Midwives

Day 2 - 17 Nov 2010

Kirsty Lang, Presenter, BBC World News Today
Welcome from conference chair

Carmel Lloyd, Interim Head of Midwifery, Nursing and Midwifery Council
Regulation and the delivery of quality midwifery care

Jim Easton, NHS National Director for Improvement and Efficiency, Department of Health
The contribution of midwifery and midwives to change

Helen Crisp, Senior Adviser, The Health Foundation
International perspectives

Panel discussion
Carole Garrick, Associate Director/Head of Midwifery, Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust Dr Suzanne Tyler, Associate Director for Maternity & Newborn Programme, NHS South Central Panellists joined by morning speakers

The future NHS
Women and children’s health in a sustainable world: head in the sand or line in the sand? Karl Heidel, Communications Manager, NHS Sustainable Development Unit Computerised CBT for postnatal depression: who uses it and does it work? Julia McGinley, Parent Support Manager, netmums.com What is the role of the midwifery link lecturer? An action research project Joy Kemp, Senior Lecturer, Midwifery, Canterbury Christ Church University A pioneering midwifery-led community based, de-infibulation service for women with female genital mutilation: the Acton African Well Woman Centre Juliet Albert & Denise Henry, Specialist FGM Midwifes, The Acton African Well Woman Centre

Safety versus innovation
Chair: Sue Macdonald, Education and Research Manager, The Royal College of Midwives Systematic review of the clinical outcomes of midwife-led care Declan Devane, Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing and Midwifery, NUI Galway Using track and trigger tools to improve intrapartum safety: findings from an ethnographic study Dr Jane Sandall, Professor of Women’s Health, King’s College London From delivery suite to birth centre Bo Hamilton-Cody & Fran Gregory, Matron Clinical Governance/Risk Management & Supervisors of Midwives, Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Non-pharmacological pain relief in labour: use of the pool in Raigmore Hospital Dr Wendy Jessiman, Lecturer in Midwifery Studies, University of Stirling

Social determinants of health
Chair: Breedagh Hughes, Board Secretary, UK Board for Northern Ireland, The Royal College of Midwives Pregnancy discrimination and rights relating to paid leave, returning to work Rosalind Bragg, Director, Maternity Action Working in children’s centres: the way forward Kim Tyler, Community Midwife, Medway NHS Foundation Trust Katherine Tadman, Community Midwife, Medway NHS Foundation Trust Sandra Edmonds, Centre Manager, Temple Mill Children’s Centre A service development using social marketing in public health to promote a planned targeted social change Julia Austin, Consultant Midwife, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust Developing health promotion standards within maternity services in England Deborah Lee, Study Coordinator and Research Assistant, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Debbie Garrod, Consultant Midwife, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust

Supporting women and families
Supporting vulnerable mothers Philippa Cox, Consultant Midwife for Normality and Mirjam Gallacher, Maternity Helpline Midwife, Homerton University NHS Foundation Trust Time for me: supporting women with raised BMI Jean Walker, Community Midwifery Coordinator, George Eliot NHS Trust The Monday clinic: 2009 Nursing Times award winning service to support the management of maternal obesity Alison Williams, Maternal Obesity Lead Co-ordinator, Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Foundation Trust & Carolyn West, Maternal Obesity Lead Co-ordinator, Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Foundation Trust Taking baby - child protection and the unborn/newborn Gaynor Wood, Clinical Practice Facilitator, The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust

Normal birth
Chair: Lynn Pacanowski, RCM Council Member Is process compatible with caring? Helen Shallow, Consultant Midwife/Head of Midwifery, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust

Normal birth
Chair: Lynn Pacanowski, RCM Council Member The art of midwifery: can creative images of birth enhance holistic care? Elaine Uppal, Lecturer Midwifery, Salford University

Normal birth
Chair: Lyne Pacanowski, RCM Council Member Have we lost touch? Sylvia Baddeley, Freelance Bonding and Attachment Specialist Midwife

Normal birth
Chair: Lynn Pacanowski, RCM Council Member Sinking or swimming? Findings of a UK survey of water immersion practice and guidance Dr Julia Sanders, Consultant Midwife, South East Wales Trials Unit

Refreshments, exhibition and networking
The future NHS
Chair: Helen Rogers, Board Secretary, UK Board for Wales, The Royal College of Midwives Determining appropriate midwifery staffing levels Suzanne Truttero, Midwifery Advisor, Department of Health

Safety versus innovation
Chair: Gill Walton, RCM Council Member Using niCE guidance and resources to support and enhance midwifery practice Julie Royce, Associate Director, Implementation Support, NICE Complementary therapies in midwifery: enthusiasm and advocacy versus accountability and risk Denise Tiran, Visiting Lecturer, University of Greenwich A systems and process approach to improve the safety and quality of in-patient postnatal care: the experience of the Hospital to Home postnatal study Sarah Beake, Research Associate, King's College London Better blood tr ansfusion and anti-D immunoglobulin: an analysis of adverse events reports from the serious hazards of transfusion scheme Tony Davies, Transfusion Liaison

Social determinants of health
Chair: Rosemary Exton, RCM Council Member Early intervention and developing maternal infant interaction Professor Jane Barlow, Professor of Public Health in the Early Years, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick Developing joint working between maternity and neonatal services to improve outcomes for mothers and babies: a region-wide approach Birte Harlev-Lam, Strategic Lead, Maternity Services, NHS East of England Storybump: supporting vulnerable women in pregnancy Elaine Bielby, National Development Manager - Health Partnerships, Booktrust

Supporting women and families
Chair: Paul Lewis, RCM Council Member To screen or not to screen? That is the question Joanne Harcombe, Education Lead, UK National Screening Committee Setting up a telephone support service for pregnant women Helen Richmond, Senior Midwife, Newham University Hospital Adenike Ogunyemi, Senior Midwife, New Midwifery Helpline, Newham University Hospital Supporting women and families: cultural diversity – understanding Islam and Muslim women Reem Najjar, Student Midwife, University Technology of Sydney and Assistant Midwife, Bankstown Hospital, Australia

Normal birth
Chair: Francis Day-Stirk, Director of Learning, Research and Practice Development, The Royal College of Midwives Mapping maternity care and outcomes –a Welsh perspective Grace Thomas, Consultant Midwife, Aneurin Bevin Health Board, Wales Debbie Lucey, Senior Lecturer, University of Glamorgan Introducing a model of care for high risk women to use during childbirth Lyndsay Durkin, Clinical Lead for Normality Tracy Palmer, Matron for In-Patients, The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Belly dancing and true female power Helen Bottom, Senior Lecturer, Anglia Ruskin University Lesley kay, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery, Anglia Ruskin University Promoting and protecting normal birth on the labour ward: the MLC pathway Michelle Knight, Practice Development Midwife, The Hillingdon HospitalHospital

Research matters – expert interactive session Professor Marlene Sinclair, Dr Janine Stockdale and Sue Macdonald

The future NHS
Chair: Helen Rogers, Board Secretary, UK Board for Wales, The Royal College of Midwives The lived experienced of newly qualified midwives Ellen Kitson-Reynolds, Midwifery Lecturer, University of Southampton

The future NHS
Chair: Helen Rogers, Board Secretary, UK Board for Wales, The Royal College of Midwives A critical analysis of the role of the consultant midwife: perspectives from consultant midwives and stakeholders Ann Robinson, Midwifery Lecturer, University of Surrey

The future NHS
Chair: Helen Rogers, Board Secretary, UK Board for Wales, The Royal College of Midwives Compassion fatigue in midwifery Dr Gina Finnerty, Associate Lecturer, Midwifery, Oxford Brookes University

Buffet lunch, exhibition and networking
Anne Milton MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health
Ministerial Address

RCM Big Debate
Why is normal birth regarded as abnormal? Chair: Kirsty Lang, Presenter, BBC World News Today Debby Gould, Chair, The Royal College of Midwives’ Council

RCM Big Debate
Why is normal birth regarded as abnormal? Chair: Kirsty Lang, Presenter, BBC World News Today Maureen Treadwell, Co-founder, Birth Trauma Association

RCM Big Debate
Professor James Drife, President, Baby Lifeline; Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Leeds

RCM Big Debate
Soo Downe, Professor of Midwifery Studies, School of Public Health and Clinical Sciences, University of Lancashire

Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Chair’s remarks
Kirsty Lang, Presenter, BBC World News Today

Dr Denis Walsh, Associate Professor in Midwifery, Academic Division of Midwifery, University of Nottingham
Closing plenary

Liz Stephens, President, The Royal College of Midwives
Closing thanks and prize draw

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