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The Guardian Higher Education Summit 2007
02 Feb 2007
The first annual Guardian Higher Education Summit for leaders and senior managers in UK higher education examined the global, financial, research, educational and civic challenges facing higher education in the UK.
The summit provided an integrated and comprehensive update on the latest policy and insight into future developments, and set out how the leading higher education institutions in the world are tackling the changes in higher education and research. It also examined the solutions they are developing, the consequences for public policy, and the future shape and sustainability of higher education institutions in the UK. Speakers included: Bill Rammell MP Minister of State for Further and Higher Education and Lifelong Learning, Department for Education and Skills (DfES) David Willetts MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Education Boris Johnson MP, Shadow Minister for Higher Education Professor David Eastwood, Chief Executive, Higher Education Funding Council for England(HEFCE)
Opening address by Donald McLeod
Guardian Higher Education Editor and speech by Dr Geoffrey Copland

and delegate reactions

Bill Rammell MP
Minister of State for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education, Department for Education and Skills

Bill Rammel MP
Minister of State for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education, DfES question and answer session

David Willets MP
Shadow Secretary of State for Education - keynote address and question and answers

Boris Johnson MP
Question and answer session with Shadow Higher Education Minister

Boris Johnson MP
The Future of HE, Cities and Region - Shadow Minister for Higher Education

Professor John Hearn
The global international higher education challenge

Professor David Eastwood
UK Higher Education – The challenges ahead

Stuart Grant
Private Equity and its emerging influence in the Higher Education Sector

Dr Malcolm McVicar,
Vice-Chancellor, University of Central Lancashire

Baroness Helena Kennedy QC
speaks at the Gala dinner

Policy Review TV

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