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NAS Education - London Roadshow
28 Mar 2012
This event was held in London on 28th March. To view the presentations from the day, please click on the links to the right or scroll down to the bottom of the page.


Education is a fundamental part of every child's life, but far too many children with autism are not getting the education they need. With the right support, every child has the opportunity to succeed. Parents and young people agree that knowledge of autism, more than anything else, helps children's needs to be met. However, many teachers say that developing autism knowledge is their biggest challenge when teaching children with autism. In order to support pupils effectively, staff need to understand pupils' needs, their behaviour and the motivation behind it – which is often different to that of children who do not have autism.

That's why The National Autistic Society, in association with Axcis Education Recruitment, developed this series of five regional roadshows, so that teachers and other autism professionals can learn the tools and strategies they need to support children with autism effectively.

Featuring a range of expert speakers, these roadshows provide education, health and social care professionals, as well as parents of pupils with autism, an opportunity to learn new strategies; share good practice and network. With expert speakers, targeted seminars and a stimulating panel debate, watching this event gives you a great opportunity to gain crucial knowledge about how you can best support children with autism.

More details: www.autism.org.uk/conferences/roadshow2011

Why view?
• gain a full understanding of autism and the impact it can have on a child's educational needs;
• find out the latest strategies for supporting children with autism in the classroom;
• discover practical tools for supporting communication differences and challenges;
• hear first-hand insights into the unique difficulties experienced by children with autism;
• network with other professionals and experts in the field.

Who should view?
• education professionals from mainstream schools, special schools and local authorities, including SENCOs, advisory teachers, support teachers and teaching assistants;
• commissioners of services for people with autism;
• social workers and support workers;
• voluntary sector groups and not-for-profit organisations;
• people with autism and their parents, families and carers.



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Welcome by the chairs
Jean Wilson, Managing Director, Axcis Education Recruitment and Jane Vaughan, Director of Education, The National Autistic Society

What's on now:
Robert Buckland, Member of Parliament for South Swindon
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Giving children with autism a fair start in life

Luke's life at school - with Labels attached
Luke Dicker, Autism Awareness speaker and Individual with Autism | Speaking with: Janet Greenman, Author of “Life At The Edge and Beyond” and Luke's (longsuffering) mum

Questions and discussion: Session 1
Refreshment break
Mel Carr, Transitions Co-ordinator, The National Autistic Society
Workshop Stream A: Supporting transitions for children with autism

Joanne Neill, Principal Speech and Language Therapist, The Helen Allison School
Workshop Stream A: “Leave me alone, I am aloneing”. Understanding and supporting the communication differences and challenges in people with autism

Refreshment break
Panel Discussion
Professor Tony Charman, Chair in Autism Education, Institute of Education, University of London
CLOSING ADDRESS: Good practice in autism education

Questions and discussion: Session 2
Closing remarks by the chair

Welcome to NAS Education - London Roadshow

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