Cllr Stephen Greenhalgh

Stephen Greenhalgh is Councillor for Town Ward in Fulham and Leader of Hammersmith & Fulham Council 2006. Hammersmith & Fulham
Much credit for the Conservative resurgence in H&F has been attributed to his leadership, notable achievements of which include cutting council tax by 3% three years in a row, improving service standards from a three star to a maximum four star official rating, driving up residents' satisfaction with council services markedly and cracking down on crime with the only New York-style 24hrCouncil-funded police teams in the UK.
In May 2008 Greenhalgh was appointed by Mayor Johnson to a Panel overseeing an audit of City Hall finances. Soon afterwards he was also asked by Eric Pickles MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, to head up a new Conservative Councils Innovation Unit that will "formulate a bold Conservative blueprint for local government".
He was also voted by 8000 people as ConservativeHome's "Local Hero" of 2008. Publications include: Centre for policy Studies 2009 - A New Good Council Guide Part 1 by Stephen Greenhalgh; Conservative Councils Innovation Unit 2009: Principles for Social Housing Reform by Stephen Greenhalgh and John Moss and Conservative Councils Innovation Unit 2008: Big Ideas: Building on Conservative Fundamentals.